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In order to prevent new coronavirus infection, classes in the studio were refrained from 3/31 to 5/31, but some classes will resume from June, and some classes will continue to be online classes. We will try this schedule in June and gradually decide various things. (It may change depending on the current situation)
When resuming classes in the studio, We would like to set some rules so that everyone can take classes comfortably.
● Studio class Must be booked in advence, the class capacity (14 Yaizu Kutir, 10 Yaizu Kogawa, 11 Shizuoka). The best is to make a reservation from the website or the wix app. You can make reservations without any unfairness because the number of remaining seats is set for the capacity. (For those who cannot do it, please contact Noriko)
● If you have a cough, a slight fever, or are concerned about your family by attending a class, please use the online class and refrain from attending the studio class.
●Please use your own yoga mat.
● Prepare a disinfectant, but be sure to wash your hands and disinfect yourself.
● Easy classes are closed for a while.
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free trial



Meet The Teachers

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Noriko Higashide Sirard
  • Noriko 紀子先生 ヨガ歴15年、講師歴10年。19歳の時、旅先のラオスで最初の師匠、マリオと出会い、初めてヨガに出会う。その後東京外語大学で文化人類学の修士号を取り、タイを拠点にNGOの代表などを経験したのち、心身の健康の必然性を感じ、インドにいたマリオ先生に入門。Zentra YogaとSivananda Yogaで豊富な経験を持っています。 Zentraを13年間稼働させているほか、カナダに本部のある世界的に有名なシバナンダ・アシュラムの講師養成コースの日本語同時通訳や東京センターの立ち上げ、翻訳に10年以上携わってきました。シヴァナンダ・アシュラムのヨガ・アチャリヤ資格、インド政府AYUSH省のヨガ講師資格(通称QCI)のレベル2も取得。シヴァナンダ ヨガ、シニアやこども、妊婦など老若男女へのヨガクラスや、企業や学校への出張、非常勤講師など。アカ語、タイ語、中国語など7つの言語を流暢に話す。

Mario Sirard

Mario マリオ先生 ヨガ歴25年以上講師歴20年以上。ヨガを深く学ぶためにインドに渡り、偉大なヨギと7年間修行の日々を過ごしました。インドでも有名なビハールヨガバラティ大学(Satyananda Yoga・サチャナンダ・ヨガ)の修士コースを卒業し、プシュカールのスワミ・シャームヨギのもとで(kriya Yogaクリヤ・ヨガ)の集中修行を個人的に受け、幅広く学ぶ。1998年にSivananda Yogaシヴァナンダ ・ヨガ(hatha Yogaハタ・ヨガ)の教師養成コースを卒業。ヒマラヤのガンゴトリの洞窟や、インド各地のスピリチュアルな場所に滞在しながら、さまざまなヨガを学び、実践。シヴァナンダ 師とその弟子の教えを柱により「禅」に近い、「意識を今ここに」というアプローチを大切に、呼吸の大切さと生きる喜びを大切にするするスタイルとして、Zentra Yogaを開発しました。ヨガの精神性の旅を始める前には、プロのパイロット(5年)とソーシャルワーカー(2年)経験。


Ishanイシャン(一瞬)とCamilleカミーユ(神結)は二人ともヨガの環境で生まれました。紀子&マリオは、2008年来、インド、カナダ、タイのヨガアシュラムで毎年少なくとも1〜2ヶ月を過ごしているので、乳飲み子の生後4ヶ月から毎年アシュラムに滞在してることになります。純粋な乳児の時から沢山の教師のヨガの教えを吸収しています。 イシャンは

自分の意思でこの3年間毎夏をカナダでのアシュラムで過ごし、今ヨガの深い側面と "普通の"世界と関係を彼の中に確率中。カミーユも来年から行きます。子供だけで飛行機に乗り、全く違う言語と文化の中で3週間過ごすことはこの時期の子供には大きなことだと思います。彼らは調和と平和の良い役割モデルです。


Meet The Teachers

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Noriko Higashide Sirard
  • Noriko Sensei has been practicing yoga for more than 14 years and teaching for more than 10. She has extensive experience with Zentra Yoga and Sivananda Yoga. Besides running Zentra for 13 years, she has also been involved in assisting and translating Sivananda teacher training courses for more than a decade. She has been awarded the title of Yoga Acharya by International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and she also has earned Level 2 of the QCI Indian Yoga Teacher Certification (only a few Japanese people have gotten this certification). Before Starting her journey on the yogic path, Noriko was an Anthropologist who graduated from Tokyo University. She speaks seven languages fluently.

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Mario Sirard

Mario Sensei has been practicing yoga for more than 25 years and teaching it for more than 20 years. He spent seven years in India learning yoga with great yogis. He graduated from the renowned Bihar Yoga Bharati (Deemed University) (Satyananda Yoga) with post graduate yogic studies. He also learned extensively under Swami Shyam Yogi of Pushkar (Kriya Yoga). He graduated from the Sivananda Yoga (Hatha Yoga) Teacher Training course in 1998. He has also learned from different yogis while staying in the Himalayas and other conducive locations. Mario has developed Zentra Yoga, which is an integral approach to Yoga. His teachings focus on the present moment, the importance of the breath, and the joy of being alive. Before starting his journey has a yogi, Mario was a professional pilot (5 years) and a social worker (2 years).

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Camille and Ishan are both born in a yogic environment. With Noriko and Mario, they spend at least one or two months every year in a yoga ashram - either India, Canada or Thailand. They have imbibed the yogic teaching of many different teachers. Ishan has now spent the last three summers at Yoga Camp in Canada (by his own choice) where he has learned deeper aspects of yoga and its relation to the "ordinary" world.  Both Ishan and Camille are good role models of harmony and peace and are great examples for their peers.


Miyuki Nakano
​中野 幸

Miyuki Sensei has been a Zentra student for more than 8 years. She has recently completed her teacher training course and started teaching. She has great sense of empathy and understands the needs of the students. Students love her presence. She also has a black belt in karate

Contact Us


2-16-45 Honmachi, Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Tel: 054-631-5103

Cell: 090-1292-0108




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