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Senior yoga

Senior yoga has been increasingly popular and for a good reason. It gives a sense of aliveness to the body and soul. Yoga is to learn to live in the present moment with complete presence and interest. Each day is a gift and yoga gives us the tools to experience it in a more healthy, present, and positive way.  With the practice of postures tailored to your needs, breathing, and awareness, you will re-experience yourself and the world around you with very different eyes.


Yoga offers great benefits to elders. Yoga...

  • ...helps to minimize high blood pressure.

  • ...improves flexibility and strength.

  • ...strengthens bones.

  • ...reduces weight: keeping weight off can help in avoiding diabetes and other health problems. Yoga can help to burn fat and build muscle at any age.

  • ...Improves balance: as we get older, maintaining balance can become an issue. Yoga helps people to improve and maintain balance through a variety of poses.

  • ...reduces stress & improves mood: yoga can help to reduce stress through the mindful breathing and meditation it offers.

  • ...offers many other benefits!

During the yoga class, you will be taught techniques to help you understand your body and give it the care it needs.

Our teachers have many years of experience with any type of situation. Each individual has its own story and each one has their own needs. 

Every week, you will feel more refreshed and alive after the class. The teacher will always be there to answer any of your questions.


Zentra is also a community where you will meet people who share the same interest as you. Zentra promotes healthy living, acceptance of differences, and encourages people to express their own feelings and curiosity. Our teachers are always attentive and interested in who you are.


Each of us have a unique journey that may help others in understanding their own. Yoga unifies people of all ages, beliefs, and nationalities.


Day of the week



Yaizu kogawa Studio


Yaizu kogawa Studio
2:00-300 pm


Noriko sensei
Be Present Be Happy !

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